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mattonella da yoga




Restorative yoga is a slow and extremely relaxing style of yoga.



The practice involves the use of supports such as pillows, blankets, blocks and belts
to allow practitioners to remain in comfortable and relaxing positions for prolonged periods of time.
 These Asanas (postures) are designed to help relax muscles and calm the nervous system,
 allowing the body to restore balance and inner peace.
Due to ever more frenetic pace and a demanding society our mind and body tend to be constantly
in "fight or flight" mode
 losing over time the ability of an appropriate 
respiration, digestion and elimination.
Restorative yoga is especially beneficial for those suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia,
 muscle aches and tensions,
as the practice helps reduce stress levels and relieve tension in the body.
Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and therefore our "rest and digest" ability
becoming extremely indicated in cases of hypertension and accelerated heart rate.
Its practice is indicated in all those moments of change, imbalance and difficulty (headaches, menstrual pain, hormonal changes such as perimenopause, menopause, pregnancy; fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome).
This form of yoga can be suitable for all ages and skill levels, including beginners, people recovering from injuries, or pregnant women.
It doesn't require a high level of strength or flexibility, but rather the ability to let go and relax into the poses.
It is not an intense stretching but a gentle way to lead the body to let go of any tension.
Although the sensation seems to be light on a physical level, the benefits reach the deepest levels, giving a sense of well-being that persists beyond the practice on the mat.


Attrezzature per lo yoga
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